Hibiki HTML Documentation
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Hibiki HTML handlers run actions to manipulate the page state. Actions can be run by frontend Hibiki HTML code, or they can be returned as JSON from backend code.

To return actions as JSON return an object with a key named “hibikiactions”:

    "hibikiactions": [action-json, action-json, ...],


The setdata action updates data in the data model:

  • actiontype - “setdata”
  • setpath - the path to set
  • data - literal value to set
  • setop (optional) - the setop to run, defaults to “set”

Here are some example setdata actions:

{"actiontype": "setdata", "setpath": "$.color", "data": "blue"}
{"actiontype": "setdata", "setpath": "$.customers[5].first_name", "data": "mike"}
{"actiontype": "setdata", "setpath": "$.points", "data": [[0,5], [2,8], [-1, 4]]}
{"actiontype": "setdata", "setpath": "$.points", "setop": "append", "data": [8, 12]}
{"actiontype": "setdata", "setpath": "$c.points", "data": 80}


The setreturn action sets the handler’s return value. It is up to the frontend code to assign or discard the return value. Note that if you return a JSON body that does not have the “hibikiactions” key, it gets implicitly turned into a “setreturn” value.

  • actiontype - “setreturn”
  • data - literal value to return
{"actiontype": "setreturn", "data": 8}
{"actiontype": "setreturn", "data": {"first_name": "Mike", company: "Dashborg", "status": "active"}}


The callhandler action calls another handler. Use setpath to capture the return value.

  • actiontype - “callhandler”
  • callpath - the handler path (string)
  • data - data to pass to the handler, must be null or an object (cannot be array or scalar value)
  • pure (optional) - set to true to run as a pure handler (no side effects, only provides a return value)
{"actiontype": "callhandler", "callpath": "/handler2", "data": {"x": 5}}
{"actiontype": "callhandler", "callpath": "/@local/render-d3", "data": {"points": [5, 8, 22, 58]}, "pure": true}
{"actiontype": "callhandler", "callpath": "/@app/get-image", "setpath": "$.img"}


The fireevent action will fire or bubble an event at the point where this handler is running.

  • actiontype - “fireevent”
  • event - the event name (string)
  • bubble (optional) - set to true if this event should bubble
  • data - data associated to the event (becomes context vars, e.g. @val, or @data)
{"actiontype": "fireevent", "event": "custom1", "data": {"value": 22}}
{"actiontype": "fireevent", "event": "click", "bubble": true}
{"actiontype": "fireevent", "event": "submit", "data": {"first_name": "Mike", value: 42}}


The throw action will throw an error (the rest of your actions will not be run). Similar to firing an “error” event, with bubble set.

  • actiontype - “throw”
  • data - error message (string)
{"actiontype": "throw", "data": "Validation Error, no Customer ID set"}
{"actiontype": "throw", "data": "Internal Error"}
{"actiontype": "throw", "data": "DB Error, cannot connect to database"}


The ifblock action will create a dynamic if/then/else statement. First data is evaluated. If true, the actions[“then”] will be run. If false actions[“else”] will be run. Either actions block can be empty.

Normally for backend code, this action only makes sense when combined with hibikiexpr (see Actions - Advanced)

{"actiontype": "ifblock", "data": true,
 "actions": {"then": [... actions ...], "else": [... actions ...]}}

{"actiontype": "ifblock", "data": {"hibikiexpr": "$.loadcount > 5"},
 "actions": {"then": [... actions ...]}}


The html action will overwrite the current Hibiki HTML, and replace it with the given HTML (used to dynamically change pages). Note that configuration data, and frontend data model will be retained.

  • actiontype - “html”
  • html - the HTML to render
{"actiontype": "html", "html": "<h1>header</h1>..."}
{"actiontype": "html", "html": "<p>some text to render</p>"}


The log action is for debugging. It will log a value to the console, with optional debugging stack information. It can also fire a browser alert.

  • actiontype - “log”
  • data - the data to log.
  • debug (optional) - if set to true, will log additional debug stack information
  • alert (optional) - if set to true, it will fire a browser alert
{"actiontype": "log", "debug": true, "data": ["The Value of X: ", 85]}
{"actiontype": "log", "alert": true, "data": "Not Logged In"}
{"actiontype": "log", "data": "WARNING: x was null"}


The nop action does not do anything. Used as a placeholder.

  • actiontype - “nop”
{"actiontype": "nop"}